Official KiBLS poetry

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Lies Never Stand

A lie only needs to be repeated often enough,
but even then a duck cannot become a dove.

Propaganda is constantly played up and down,
so one can portray trashy people with a crown.

You can deceive many people for a long time!
But a squawk will never become a clear chime!

A theater game that so many play for a while.
But at some point you even lose the own smile.

Don't be discouraged, it is and remains a game!
To see through these lies should be your aim!

Over time, the lie will expose on its own.
Because the eternal truth was always known.

(written by KiBLS and Izzari)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #wisdom

Author: KiBLS and Izzari | Written: ~02.02.2021 | Published: 20.02.2021 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: A poetic meeting: Unity through truth
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