Official KiBLS poetry

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My body as temple

Intruders have invaded the temple.
They are everything else than gentle.

They try to tear down the walls,
to destroy these holy halls.

I call them by their names; parasites.
They do not only dim the interior lights.

They rob and plunder the most sacred of all.
But the last defense will never fall.

All resources will be bundled
Every invader needs to be tumbled.

There are many important fights.
Now awakening - the T-Cell knights.

A battle against darkness, minus against plus.
Love and Wisdom reveals the light inside of us.

(written by @KiBLS and @Deceptions)

#poetry #philosophy #poem #freespeech #light

Authors: KiBLS and Deceptions | Written: ~27.04.2019 | Published: 28.04.2019 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: Choosen community poems
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