Official KiBLS poetry

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Written intents

Please listen what we have to say!
Many fight for survival every day.

You can see misery wherever you look.
Nowadays people love to disguise a crook.

About so many lies were already spoken.
Thereby whole families became broken.

Meanwhile we all have to keep paying!
Slavery is the only way to keep playing!

Now declare your real intentions!
And let them grow; spiritual extensions!

So what's the answer? Look deep inside!
Feel connected and only follow your inner guide.

(written by @KiBLS and @Deceptions)

#poetry #philosophy #poem #freespeech #change

Authors: KiBLS and Deceptions | Written: ~12.06.2019 | Published: 20.06.2019 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: Choosen community poems
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