Official KiBLS poetry

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Alcohol you bitter evil spirit

Alcohol, you bitter spirit,
You show everyone his limits.
At the beginning well under control and still tender,
you show everyone a heavy path.

Who follows the hard road,
knows how to suffer really in life.
Sorrow, suffering and a lot of pain,
can burn inside the body like 1000 candles.

How much more can a person endure?
What the human being still has to risk?
He should find true love,
no more squirming in the pain.

He must understand this desire,
he wants to go not further toward the abyss.
And only at the end when it is too late,
you'll see how close he is to the abyss.

Travel with Him and give Him power.
May the good spirit succeed this time.

(written by KiBLS)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #community

Author: KiBLS | Written: ~2009 | Published: 2019 | German original | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: Poems of the new time
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