Official KiBLS poetry

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In the heart of mother nature

I walk to a beautiful blue lake.
The ground below me is covered with green clover.
And take a look over there in the small clearing,
there grows a 4-leaved clover, such a rare sighting.

Now I lie fully relaxed beside this calm lake,
nothing hurts my excited spirit now any longer.
I am lying still and I am thinking
I ponder and directing.

Around me, I watch at the beauty of nature,
It affects my tender soul - just like a cure.
Nothing can stress me at this moment any more.
Everything that once was so important is now like forgotten.

(written by KiBLS)

#poetry #philosophy #poem #freespeech #nature

Author: KiBLS | Written: ~2010 | Published: ~2017 | German original | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: Poems of the new time
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