Official KiBLS poetry

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Ode to loneliness

Oh my faithful friend where we stand today.
I have see it coming for a long time!

With you by my hand,
I moved all over the country.

I saw things that excited me,
and I did things that moved others.

But no matter where we were together and now stand.
It's time for you to go, now!

You have always been there and remain faithful to me forever.
But now go, you loneliness .... I experience everything new.

Not that I did not find in you what I was looking for,
but it's not like I thought, the end.

(written by KiBLS)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #loneliness

Author: KiBLS | Written: ~2011 | Published: 13.09.2018 | German original | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: Poems of the new time
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