Official KiBLS poetry

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Your words are something unique!
They're able to break the peak.

This is how the world is shaped and guided!
You can unite what was once divided.

You are gifted and blessed by fate!
You are able to surpass every rate.

Everything comes together at one spot.
You may believe it or you may not.

Reality has been waiting for you a long time.
You're able to bring a long yearned peacetime.

You already carry everything necessary within you.
You just have to think how fate should continue!

Nothing can change your predetermined way.
For you have seen through the eternal play.

(written by KiBLS)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #wisdom

Author: KiBLS | Written: 10.10.2020 | Published: 13.10.2020 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: The exit
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