Official KiBLS poetry

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Outside and inside

He, who is inside himself not satisfied,
will also not find happiness in the outside!

No matter where you go or what you do,
you always take your inner self with you!

You have always to question your intentions,
also consider honest your inventions.

Only Self-reflection and positive thoughts,
release all your blockades and inner knots.

Become aware of unity and connection.
This will give you the highest protection.

Then everything will work out for you.
Then you're able to feel only the true.

(written by KiBLS)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #wisdom

Author: KiBLS | Written: 21.10.2020 | Published: 24.10.2020 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: The exit
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