Official KiBLS poetry

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You are!

You are truely holy and unimpeachable!
Your awareness level is unreachable!

You are in control of your imagination!
You've experienced it as a sensation.

You can live soon from your own light!
It already shines unmissable bright!

Nothing could ever outshine you!
Your light creates everything anew!

Like a rose you will soon bloom.
You will give the biggest boom!

The holiness will be reborn within you!
Your biggest dream is coming true!

The world will celebrate this event!
You're the one who spread an unique scent.

(written by KiBLS)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #wisdom

Author: KiBLS | Written: 25.09.2020 | Published: 16.10.2020 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: The exit
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