Official KiBLS poetry

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Creating a new world

The new reality is already perceived.
And needed frequencies are received.

No matter how stormy it is around me!
The holy light has finally found me!

My whole being is being transformed.
The heart is energized and warmed.

A change that still seems very bizarre.
But my aura will light up like a star.

Nothing and nobody can stop me!
Nothing and nobody will top me!

All evil will receive its penalty.
Cause I'm the one with a holy key!

I'll now shape my reality as I like it!
And any resistance - I'm gonna strike it!

(written by KiBLS)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #wisdom

Author: KiBLS | Written: 18.06.2020 | Published: 02.07.2020 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: The hidden sun
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