Official KiBLS poetry

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The puppet player

They create a problem that even idiots recognise.
And wait until the masses together will rise.

Their puppets make it so uncomfortable,
that no country is any longer governable.

They play publicly with the fear and bullying.
And act with their whole credibility fully in.

They wait until there is enough chaos and confusion.
And offer a world government as the best solution.

And many deluded people think it is a good idea.
Because this newly disguised solution is very near.

Since very many cannot cook or light a fire.
So they keep falling for the next wily liar.

Puppet dancing no longer an attraction, Rome is falling.
They pushed too far. You can hear the freedom calling.

(written by KiBLS and Deceptions)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #wisdom

Author: KiBLS and Deceptions | Written: 02.01.2021 | Published: 18.01.2021 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: The monkey and the butterfly
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