Official KiBLS poetry

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I've resigned!

I can no longer pretend for 8 hours a day.
It is time that I walk my own way!

I have absolutely no idea where I'm going.
But deep inside I have a reassuring knowing.

My thoughts were tearing me apart inside.
More than 8 hours a day my inner life died.

Now I wanna leave in peace and let myself fall.
I surrender to the unknown to finally stand tall.

I will now grow and be wise.
I will be like a phoenix that rise.

So let my new journey now start!
From now I'll follow only my heart!

(written by KiBLS)

#poetry #philosophy #poem #freespeech #water

Author: KiBLS | Written: 26.01.2020 | Published: ~2020 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: This is my way!
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