Official KiBLS poetry

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One moment in my life

Reading my own poems was like the red pill.
To reach enlightenment without my own will.

It just happened on its own.
When I was in my room alone.

It was like a heavy bang on the head.
The whole stage play was suddenly dead.

Every burden fell right off me.
And immediately I felt free.

Everyone plays his role sacrificially.
Hooray for the holy Allphilosophy.

The description doesn't fit in any book.
It's perfection down to the smallest nook!

(written by KiBLS)

#poetry #philosophy #poem #freespeech #water

Author: KiBLS | Written: 13.08.2019 | Published: 2019 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: This is my way!
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