Official KiBLS poetry

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One way of many

My mind was strongly sedated.
And I have never really meditated.

Always done what I thought was right.
And yet I've never noticed my own light.

So many problems and so few solutions.
They died painfully; all my illusions.

And at the end, just before the turnaround.
It was my own insanity which I have found.

My whole self was suddenly disintegrated.
There was nothing left that could be rated.

And how the butterfly slips out of its cocoon,
I finally received the greatest boon.

(written by KiBLS)

#poetry #philosophy #poem #freespeech #myway

Author: KiBLS | Written: 12.06.2019 | Published: 20.06.2019 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: This is my way!
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