Official KiBLS poetry

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Imagine if!

We can easily close up shops.
And create production stops.

We can easily shut down borders.
And create fast new orders.

We can give people house arrest.
And tell them it's for their best.

We disinfect individual bank notes.
And we not allow offline election votes.

We also suddenly have money again.
Hopefully it is not used for a new chain.

All this was possible in a very short time.
And now imagine the turn of this rhyme!

When we help many people in need.
We can accomplish an unselfish deed.

When we decide to live by our own rules,
Then we'll stop being treated like fools,

When we become the change we wish to see,
Then we collectively raise our frequency.

When we connect with the oneness source,
We can change humanity's course.

When we share the knowledge to empower,
We can live our finest hour.

(written by KiBLS and Bart23)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #journey

Author: KiBLS and Bart23 | Written: 04.05.2020 | Published: 05.05.2020 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: Tuning of the minds
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