Official KiBLS poetry

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Let the People Decide

Today uncomfortable opinions are deleted.
Is it now dangerous to listen to other views?
Is this how the truth is being cheated?
And why they censor all the news?

In times when so many things are censored,
and we can’t hear another’s point of view.
Ask what still remains unanswered?
Why you’re hated for the truth that you pursue?

You only recognise a lie if you hear each side,
And the truth should never fear a full debate.
If the other half are simply going to hide,
then their lies bury us all under their weight.

People are sovereign, let us breathe,
We were not put on this earth to be a slave,
Let us decide for ourselves who to believe,
And then we can choose how we behave.

(written by KiBLS and Bart23)

#philosophy #poetry #poem #freespeech #journey

Author: KiBLS and Bart23 | Written: ~19.02.2021 | Published: 23.02.2021 | German translation | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: Tuning of the minds
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